I bought this set for a new bike, but at the same time was shopping around for lights for my kid's school commuter bike. Now I wish the lights on my other bikes would "accidentally" fall off so I can replace them all with this set. For starters, they're crazy-bright, and probably the brightest I've ever seen at this price point. All of the rechargeable (USB) lights with at least 9 hours of run time started at $40 at the big box stores (and, to my uncalibrated eyeballs, the Uptown lights were brighter than everything in the $40-60 price range). Also important, the clip and mounting straps are rock solid. The clip has a rubber coating that makes it non-slip, so I feel confident using the mounting tabs on my backpack without worrying about a pothole sending the light flying. If you are mounting it to a tube or bike rack, the silicone straps are beefy and provide a tight grip.
Pros: • brightness • price point • construction and manufacturing • waterproof • adjustable mounting system • run-time of 9 hours in blinking mode
Cons: • If you are mounting the lights to a bike rack with very skinny tubing, the straps will hold the light in place but it might jostle around if you're riding rough roads. You're not going to lose the light, but you might have to re-aim it from time to time. I'm thinking maybe some plumber's tape on the rack might give the mounting straps a little more bite. Also, it would be nice if more lights had a permanent attachment option, but everything seems to be clips and straps these days.