Function First
You don't need to know anything about design to know you like how a bike looks. But we want you to be confident that we've got the brains to back up our good looks. How comfortable your bike is, the ease and grace with which it tackles the road, how long it lasts, and how easy it is to maintain, are all functions of your bike's design - the calculations that go into each angle, the placement of each part, the alignment of each element with each other. If a bicycle is visually appealing, that's a matter of aesthetics, not design. We prioritize both.

Many brands use factory standard frame geometry-often throwing their logo on whatever frames their factory has available at the time. We think you should have a frame that's designed more methodically, so that when you get your seat and handlebars just right, everything else will fall into place.
That's why our bikes are designed with input from industry expert Grant Petersen (Rivendell Bicycles), whose design ethos can be seen in most of our models. Grant is widely known in the cycling community for opposing complicated design and slavish prioritization of speed, light weight and racing-led fashion — over tradition, comfort, and durability. With his assistance, we've agonized over millimeters of frame geometry to ensure that you have a bike that'll assuredly be a pleasure to ride.
The heart of your bike is the frame. The bulk of our frame tubing is 4130 Chromoly steel, a stronger metal than Hi-Ten steel or aluminum. Its superior strength allows us to use thinner tubing without compromising quality. This results in a lighter, more durable bike. In addition, steel is a more flexible metal than aluminum, affording riders a more forgiving bicycle, and therefore a more comfortable ride.

Not all wheels are created equal. Ours offer hubs with sealed bearings, which not only afford a smooth ride, but also keep water from rusting the wheel from the inside out. Our rims are double-walled for twice the durability, and offer a machined brake surface for smoother stops. To protect our tires against flats and our rims against damage, nylon rim strips are standard on all our bikes, and all models are come stock with puncture resistant protection.
You'll be hard-pressed to find another brand putting as much thought into their wheels as we do. Technical details that a casual rider might never notice make a world of difference in the comfort, reliability, and cost of maintenance of a bicycle.
At Brooklyn Bike Co., we say: Enjoy your ride. Let us worry about the details!
We outfit our bikes with all aluminum and stainless steel parts--plus on some models, a rust inhibiting coating on the chain--to forestall rusting. Then we add grips and saddles of vegan leather, a water-resistant material. We finish things off with a special phosphate bath and a triple-coat of paint to keep your bike looking fresher longer.
Lots of brands offer one or two of these same features - but rarely all on one bicycle. A bike with little in the way of weather resistance means more trips to the shop - and more money out of your pocket.
We save you time and money by outfitting you properly from the beginning, so your bike will be something you can ultimately pass down to your children.