My new Roebling bike seems solid and the riding smooth for my first 1.5 months since I purchased it. I need to store my bike outside and this winter was hard with snow and freezing rain. The breaks completely froze one day and when thawed, the break parts became too loose to use safely on the busy urban streets. I needed to get it back to the shop I bought it from to have the complimentary 30-day tune-up, but I had to pay for new break parts. It felt weird to having to pay over $50 for a $700 bike I bought 1.5 m months ago. But overall the bike is solid, and seems to take the varied surfaces I travel on, including some big potholes, without all bike parts coming loose. I do love the positioning of the gear shifts and how the gear range helps me to get up some steep hills. Overall I'm hopeful my Roebling will handle the difficult road surfaces, long distances, and the outdoor elements, while I ride 50 miles per week for my day job.